Taseen Shana

A hard working individual who is interested in creating real-world applications.


Proficient Languages


BS in Computer Informatics - Arizona State University - May 2019


EmojiMap Project Snapshot

EmojiMap - Prototype

Developed a web app that searches for restaurants based on emojis. Uses the Google Places API to query results. Features that will be developed in the future: Precise geolocation, allowing custom profiles, providing additional information on results, and more!

Live Demo

GitHub Code

ServicePlace Project Snapshot

ServicePlace Eldercare System App

Designed and implemented an Android application for a nonprofit organization called ServicePlace. The app was created in React Native. The backend uses .NET web services hosted on a Linux virtual machine in an AWS (Amazon Web Services) ec2 instance.

GitHub Code

CSS Theme Switcher

CSS Theme Switcher

Designed a website that allows a user to switch the theme of a website. Switches between 5 presets. Uses HTML5, CSS3, and minimal Javascript to make the website responsive.

Live Demo

GitHub Code

Gaming Project Snapshot

Personal Gaming Website

Designed a website for my online video game personality. It is a landing page for people who want to see what other social media I participate in. Uses HTML5, CSS3, and minimal Javascript to make the website responsive.

Live Demo

GitHub Code

NinjaWatch Project Snapshot


Designed a Fruit Ninja clone using Swift's SpriteKit framework. The objects in the game are Overwatch characters and each character has a certain amount of point values that either reduce or increase the players points.

GitHub Code

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